This episode, we discuss the bizarre connection between the elite political social class and its ties to pedophilia, Child trafficing, and an ancient Canaanite god of child sacrifice.
A NOTE TO OUR LISTENING, VIEWING AND READING AUDIENCES CONCERNING PIZZAGATE COVERAGE - Infowars.com (Alex Jones issues apology to James Alefantis 3/24/2017)
Paul Joseph Watson ties Clinton campaign to "Spirit Cooking"
Former Clinton Insider Larry Nichols - "Hillary / L.A. coven Connection"
Dr. Steve Pieczenik - Clinton Pedophilia Connection
Alex Jones and Jon Ronson discuss infiltrating Bohemian Grove and cults
Mark Dice on Bohemian Grove and media gatekeeping
Footage of the Cremation of Care Ceremony
Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal - YourNewsWire.com