"Fake News at the Bechtel Summit"
This episode, President Donald J. Trump comes to my
hometown during the 2017 BoyScout Jamboree.
I have the opportunity to
interview protesters outside of the Jamboree and debate repeal and replacment of
the Affordable Care Act. However, uppon closer inspection of the protest's
organizer, I find a rabbit hole of George Soros / Saul Alinsky linked
activist groups, so I reach out to West Virginia Citizen's Action Group in an
attempt to find out more about Alexandra Gallo and offer her an
opportunity to come on the podcast and give her side of the story.
* Note:
I was also asked to do an interview for a local Fox/CBS affiliate. In the aired
piece, I am listed as a participant. I DID NOT protest and in no way do I
support the Affordable Care Act. I merely thanked the group for their peaceful
NeoCrusader.com Footage from the Summit Reserve Protest
59 News Article - Misquoted and misrepresented.
Who is Alexandra Gallo?
West Virginia Citizens Action Group
West Virginia Progressive Alliance - Facebook
Clean Water Action - Soros Connection
Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous
Our Vote Our Future WV / National People's Action - Connection
Who is Healthcare For America Now?
HCAN Sign on WVCAG website
George soros link to National Network of Abortion Funds
Think Progress Supports National Network of Abortion Funds